Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Classic Balloon Technique

You can almost never go wrong with this technique (in fact, I think the only way you can is if the other person is deathly afraid of the sound of balloons popping).

To do this you will need:
A bunch of flat balloons (as many as you want but usually enough to fit the letters of your name into is sufficient)
Your name written on pieces of paper
A helium tank
Curling ribbon (or some type of string to hold them together)
A sharpie/marker to draw on the balloons (optional)
Stuff to go with them such as candy bars, a teddy bear or a cake (optional)

Basically you pick your balloons, put the pieces of paper in them, fill them up with helium, tie them off, add string, put them in a bunch, and your done. TA-DA!

When your done it should look like this:
You may have a few less depending on how long your name is.

The included sharpie/marker in the instructions is in case you want to do something like this:

For this one I would suggest just putting your name in one balloon and having all of the rest say something to the effect of "try again" on the papers. After completing the rest of the steps all you have to do is draw faces, write something, or pig-ify your balloons. That part is entirely your call.

I had someone once tell me that I should fill all of the balloons that were "misses" with whipped cream so that when they got popped the person would get covered in whipped cream. I rejected the idea, but it would certainly be do able. 

So there you have it, a classic way to ask or answer with a few new ideas to try to shake things up. I hope this was helpful to you!

Good luck!

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